A Community Guide for Opposing Hate
The purpose of this manual is to provide those who want to “do something” about hate with something they can do, step by step, not only in the immediate aftermath of a hateful act but also for years to come, to improve their community.
However one chooses to define it, hate is at its most dangerous when it is seen as something noble—and not only noble but as a “truth” that’s a rallying point around which to organize and inflict it on our neighbors.
Expressions of hate are shocking, a swastika on a wall, a noose on someone’s locker, a rally by white supremacists in full regalia or business suits, explaining why other human beings—the “theys”—are a threat to “us,” so much so they should have fewer rights, if not outright expelled or murdered.
This manual has been written by people who have spent decades combating hate and hate groups. If we’ve learned one lesson, it’s that organized haters are classic bullies. If they get away with bullying, they will only bully more. But we’ve learned another lesson too, that communities CAN push back against hatred. It’s hard work, but not daunting or overly complicated. This manual will show you how.