Western States Center Responds to Agreement for Federal Officers to Leave Portland

Eric Ward, executive director of Western States Center, released the following statement:

“We are relieved that Gov. Brown has reached an agreement for federal officers to withdraw from Portland. They never should have been here in the first place. President Trump pulled these officers from their actual duties to use them as shock troops in Portland, with the goal of sparking conflict and distracting from his administration’s ongoing failure to contain COVID-19.

“We will closely monitor the phased withdrawal of federal officers until all additional forces have left our city. Today’s agreement is a good first step, but the situation will not be fully resolved until those responsible are held accountable and new policies are put into place to prevent future misuse of federal officers against the wishes of state and local leaders.

“The anticipated withdrawal of federal officers is a victory for Portland and for the local leaders and nonviolent civil protesters who stood up to President Trump, and won. He picked a fight with the wrong city.”

For all press inquiries, please contact press@wscpdx.org.


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