Smoke & Mirrors
A Western States Center Culture Lab Album
Released October 15th!
Featuring a lineup of hip hop artists from Alabama, Illinois, Michigan, Mississippi, New York, Oregon, and Washington, D.C., the album uses original music, skits, poetry, visual art, and written narrative to tell the story of ten “travelers” navigating the aftermath of a fictional second American civil war that could grow out of the political violence we see in the U.S. today. The album invites listeners to consider the personal cost of authoritarianism and political violence while arguing that the work we can do now to expand democracy, resist bigotry, organize in our communities, share resources, and generate creative visions for the future is our best hope for protecting inclusive democracy.
Smoke & Mirrors sounds the alarm about the rise of anti-democracy movements and authoritarianism, elevating the stakes to a broader audience while inspiring listeners to vote for inclusive democracy and take action.
Check out the links below to listen to Smoke & Mirrors and learn more about the album and the artists who made it possible!
After listening, download the Smoke & Mirrors Action Guide, which offers creative steps and strategies for impacting your community to promote and support inclusive democracy!
Western States Center held space for these artists to come together for political education around racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, misogyny, and other forms of bigotry. They used this space as a platform for collaboration to create art based on the urgency of this moment. The specific views in the album are the artists’ alone.

Listen to the Album
Meet the Artists
Take Action
While the broader actions listed above are essential and worthy first steps toward making an impact, Smoke & Mirrors is also about digging deeper to support and protect inclusive democracy.
Download the Smoke & Mirrors Action Guide for more tips and strategies to take action!
Show up to vote for inclusive democracy! Whether you’re passionate about local issues, national policies, or everything in between, voting helps ensure your voice is heard. While voting isn’t the only way to make change. Think about the changes you want to see and the values you stand for— voting is your chance to show up to make those things happen!
Please encourage your friends, family, co-workers, and everyone you trust to get involved by sharing Smoke & Mirrors, showcasing WSC content, and discussing key talking points, including those from our allies. Create a plan to vote, and make sure you execute!
Engage with and support local community organizations to foster longer-term volunteer involvement. Please share examples of these groups, emphasize relevant content and analysis from WSC, and incorporate perspectives from our allies.
Dedicate yourself to developing your personal knowledge, skills, and emotional intelligence. Download the Smoke & Mirrors Action Guide and follow even just one of its actions! Share the Culture Lab Spotify Playlist, or follow the steps and guidance from another Western States Center tool!
About WSC’s Culture Lab Program
Since the beginning, the American story has been told through rhythm and song. Artists and musicians have set to sound the hopes and fears that have animated and united us. They’ve used their spotlight to hold power accountable and helped justice movements find their voice. For some people, music, cultural movements, and the company of fellow fans are the first places they feel seen and understood. While our divisions seem particularly acute today, this country has always been divided and faced anti-democracy threats, and artists have always been uniquely able to bridge that divide and inspire action.
Culture Lab works with musicians and artists to claim their power as agents of change, supporting them as they organize their fan bases, manage the risks of taking bold public stances together, and use the power of their voices to advance inclusive democracy. Since 2020, WSC has convened six artists cohorts, ranging from Americana singer/songwriters across the country, independent touring musicians in New York and the Bay Area, Black Rock musicians, and most recently, Hip Hop artists. Through peer learning and WSC facilitation, cohort series include shared projects and political education. Hip hop artists gathered in Brooklyn in April to deepen their understanding of antisemitism, racism, and other threats to American democracy; they were inspired to record this album, Smoke & Mirrors. The inaugural 2020-2021 Culture Lab cohort of 15 Americana musicians from Nashville to Boise was moved to create the Musician's Inclusive Practice Toolkit.
Lyrics and original compositions featured in Smoke & Mirrors are the artists' own, not WSC content. Smoke & Mirrors was co-facilitated by Alabama civil rights activist and hip-hop artist Evan Milligan and former Detroit Mello Music Group rapper Chris Orrick.
Chris Orrick
Program Manager, Culture Lab
Evan Milligan
Co-Director, Common Good Program